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Tonal shifts within the spine can interfere with pregnancy and birth, specifically the comfort of the expectant mother, position of the baby, structure of the pelvis, and ability of nerves to regulate normal contractions.
The nervous system controls and coordinates everything in the body, including the development of the growing baby. When a Neuro-Tonal Shift is present, the effectiveness and efficiency of the nervous system is compromised. Imagine if the nerves going to the uterus were functioning at less than 100% due to a Neuro-Tonal Shift. Would you be ok with your baby receiving less than everything it needed? Of course not. The main goal in our office is to help restore normal function to the nervous system by reducing tonal shifts through a very gentle chiropractic adjustment.
Proper alignment of the pelvis is essential for the normal position of the baby and an easier delivery. Any Neuro-Tonal Shifts in the lumbar spine or pelvis can create torsion of the uterus, leading to something known as in-utero constraint. This prevents the baby from moving freely, which affects the baby’s ability to position itself ideally for delivery, making labor more challenging. Our doctors are certified in Webster Technique which is a technique specifically designed to reduce in-utero constraint.
Thousands of women use chiropractic during their pregnancy to improve their health and birthing experience. Many women benefit from shorter labors, less pain, less interventions, and increased satisfaction with their birthing experience while under chiropractic care.
Chiropractic is proud to be metro Atlanta’s premier Pediatric Chiropractic practice. We take care of each and every child at Precision with a unique, customized, and individualized plan. There is no ‘cookie cutter’ or ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach at Precision like you see in the rest of health care. While kids are designed to be healthy, strong, and resilient, right now for most families that is simply not the case. Almost 50% of children in the United States have a chronic health conditions such as ADHD, Asthma, Allergies, and Epilepsy.
Our doctors have specialized post-doctorate training in pediatric care through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. A hallmark of our pediatric program is evaluating for the presence of retained primitive reflexes and discrepancies with the special senses- specifically the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems. In addition to gentle, precise Neuro-Tonal Chiropractic adjustments, an individualized at-home exercise program is designed to assist in the integration of retained primitive reflexes and improvement of the special senses. Check out Dr. Sam’s guest blog on The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Kids’ Minds, Bodies, & Spirits over at Longevity Health Center.
Chronic Conditions
When we talk about chronic conditions, we often immediately think if chronic pain. Our doctors holistically treat a multitude of chronic conditions, including but not limited to musculoskeletal ailments. Chiropractic treatment is one of the best, most effective, and safe techniques to eradicate ailments from the body and have a healthy lifestyle. Initially, they focus on eliminating the problems in the body through individualized adjustments and exercises. Later on, our chiropractors will recommend you incorporate functional nutrition and exercise to help to strengthen your brain and your body. Furthermore, chiropractic care is an effective way to prevent the problem from recurring.
When people hear the word Chiropractic they often think of neck pain and back pain, however Precision Chiropractic focuses on caring for children with conditions other than pain. Oftentimes, the very first Neuro-Tonal Shift takes place during the birthing process. Regardless of how natural a birth may be, there is a significant amount of force placed on the newborn’s head and neck during the delivery process. As a result a Neuro- Tonal Shift can occur, and if left uncorrected may develop into secondary conditions including but not limited to colic, difficulty breastfeeding, constipation, ear infections, reflux, and a weakened immune system. For this reason, we encourage new parents to have their newborn’s spine checked for the presence of Neuro-Tonal Shift/s. Once we locate a Neuro-Tonal shift, the amount of pressure we use to correct the misalignment is equivalent to the amount of pressure one would use to test the ripeness of a tomato or a peach. In our office, we will never “pop, twist or crack” your child’s spine, we simply utilize a gentle adjustment to achieve correction.
Special Needs
Our doctors have specialized post-doctorate training in pediatric care through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Our doctors proudly serve the special needs community including but not limited to those with Autism, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, OCD, PANS/PANDAS, seizure disorders, and genetic disorders.
A hallmark of our pediatric program is evaluating for the presence of retained primitive reflexes and discrepancies with the special senses- specifically the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems. In addition to gentle, precise Neuro-Tonal Chiropractic adjustments, an individualized at-home exercise program is designed to assist in the integration of retained primitive reflexes and improvement of the special senses.
Every single day in our office we get to help kids who were chronically sick, struggling, and loaded up with medications and therapies transform right before our eyes and reach incredible levels of health, happiness, and well-being once again!
Unfortunately most chiropractic education focuses heavily on adults with musculoskeletal issues, leaving a lot of chiropractors not fully certain and confident when it comes to a wider range of health issues. However, individualized, neurologically based chiropractic care supports better sleep, more energy, improved emotional balance and health, flexibility and mobility, better health habits,
Precision Chiropractic patients take on life differently. When your physical, mental, and emotional health is strong and resilient, your family and kids take note! That is why the majority of our patients are families! Kids don’t learn healthy habits from what we tell them to do, but instead by what they see us do.
“The entire team is great and efficient in their treatment and time with you. They listen intently about my concerns because they truly want to help me and my son get better. They are constantly checking in with us and making improvements to our family’s care plan with recommended exercises. It has been a wonderful experience with Precision Chiropractic.”