Transforming chiropractic care.
Connecting you with us
Schedule a FREE Consultation.
At Precision Chiropractic, we are focused on providing you with a unique experience. In our office, you are not “just another number” or “just another case”, and we believe that you deserve something different. We believe that there should not be surprises in healthcare. Before moving forward with your exam or with care here, you will have a complete understanding of what to expect from your relationship with our practice.
Complete an Initial Examination
Unlike some other Chiropractic offices where the exam is just a formality, done in under 10 minutes, and often by someone other than the doctor, this thorough exam will be performed by one of our doctors to identify the presence and/or nature of your Neuro-Tonal Shift(s) and your current state of health.
Receive an individualized recommendation for care.
Our doctors will create an individualized, comprehensive plan based on you or your child’s objective clinical findings. These findings will be reviewed, in detail, at a patient recommendation conference (PRC), providing you with an opportunity to ask questions and understand more about you or your child’s underlying condition.
The following includes a list of examination procedures based on the age of the patient:
Digital Structural Radiographs
Digital Neurological Assessment utilizing infrared thermography
Tonal Chiropractic Analysis
Additional Neurological or Orthopedic Testing, if necessary
Tonal Chiropractic Analysis
Digital Neurological Assessment utilizing infrared thermography (no radiation)
Primitive Reflex Evaluation
Evaluation of the visual system, vestibular system, proprioceptive system, tactile system, auditory system, hemispheric dominance
Scoliosis evaluation
Digital Structural Radiographs (only if clinically indicated)
Cranial Evaluation
plagiocephaly and other asymmetries
palate and oral-motor function
Primitive Reflex Evaluation
Tonal Chiropractic Analysis
In addition to helping you feel better, it is our goal to help your body function at its optimum potential, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.
Why tonal vs. traditional chiropractic?
Most Traditional Chiropractors focus on 3 specific goals: decreasing muscular spasm, increasing range of motion and reducing pain. This type of care falls under the category of symptom reduction/management and never truly addresses the underlying CAUSE of the patient’s problem. At Precision Chiropractic, we focus on a unique approach known as Tonal Correction. Unlike traditional Chiropractic, Tonal Correction focuses on the tone/tension of the spinal cord/nervous system, specifically as it relates to the structure of the spine and its connective tissues (muscles, ligaments, etc). Unlike most healthcare providers – whose focus is to decrease symptoms and restore you to where you were just before you sought help- the purpose of Tonal Correction is to address the underlying issue(s) so your brain and body are able to adapt and reorganize, allowing your body to function at its best.
How much do adjustments cost?
At Precision every patient is treated as an individual and that includes your plan of care. After your initial exam, our doctors will lay our a personalized plan of care that will outline the frequency of care, length of treatment, and re-examination recommendations. All fees and discounts associated with your individualized plan will be clearly explained and outlined so that you may make an informed choice prior to incurring any costs.
Are you in network with my medical insurance provider?
We are an out of network provider for all major medical plans and our patients pay for care out of pocket. However, we are happy to provide superbills (itemized and coded medical receipts) to our patients so that they may submit claims to their primary medical plans for direct reimbursement.