What Is A Neuro-Tonal Shift?

Neuro-Tonal Shift is an abnormal shift in tone, leading to aberrant tension on the spinal cord/nervous system. This is often accompanied by a displacement of the structure of the spine and/or the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Neuro-Tonal Shift occurs primarily at the very top and very bottom of the spine. These locations are where the spinal cord and spinal bones have direct attachment to each other.

The brain, spinal cord and nerves are responsible for regulating every function of the body. Therefore, Neuro-Tonal Shift can adversely affect overall function of the body which is often the underlying cause of a number of health issues and secondary conditions.

Neuro-Tonal Shift: Normal vs. Abnormal

In the picture above, an example of normal tone is illustrated. In a normal spine, it is expected that the tone (or tension) at the very top of the spine should equal that of the very bottom of the spine. This is seen in the picture as the amount of tension on either side of the rope is equal, causing the tension of the rope to be uniform throughout.

The picture below depicts an example of abnormal tone, or a Neuro-Tonal Shift. As you can see, there is a greater amount of tension on the right side of the rope, which creates more stress on the left side of the rope. This results in a displacement of the rope and a loss of “tug of war”. Similarly, when the tension in an area of the spine is greater than another, the resulting displacement leads to a breakdown of communication within the nervous system. As a result, many people experience secondary conditions or symptoms. For more information about Neuro-Tonal Shift and whether it may be affecting your health, you are encouraged to contact us or schedule a complimentary consultation.


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